Primula auricula Loudhailer

The Auricula Suite

Something really unexpected has happened and we are over the moon! It all started because we are musicians with a garden full of Primula auricula flowers.  We are totally chuffed to find out that we have had a beautiful new flower named in our honour by specialist auricula growers Robin and Annabel Graham of Drointon Nurseries near Ripon.

Here it is, Primula auricula Loudhailer, a brand new cultivar of the popular alpine border flower with lovely yellow petals, a pink blush and the most beautiful delicate scent. Click on one of Rich’s photos to see the full flower and scroll through…

It’s called Loudhailer after our music name – Rich and I perform as ‘Loudhailer’ – we host Loudhailer Acoustic nights and our full psychedelic electric band Loudhailer Electric Company has just released our debut studio album, Cursus.

After growing Primula auriculas and investigating the social history behind the flowers we wrote…

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