Primula auricula Loudhailer

It’s been a fabulous auricula season, coming to a close now. The highlight of our auricula year has got to be specialist growers Drointon Nurseries naming their new cultivar ‘Primula auricula Loudhailer’ after our psychedelic electric band, Loudhailer Electric Company. Big thanks to Robin and Annabel Graham at Drointon, it was a wonderful surprise.

You can have a listen to Loudhailer Electric Company, here’s a short video

You can click here  to listen to or download the whole album, Cursus.

“…a magic album. What really draws out the juice is driving through the forest at night with the windows down – wind blowing my hair everywhere – playing it LOUD. I am sure the BIG Lizards and Bandicoots, Snakes and Owls think I’m extra-terrestrial as I whizz by. It is a very very rich experience…” Jungle Jim Ward, Byron Bay, New South Wales.

“Cutting edge, psychedelic folk music of the highest quality.” Alan Raw, with Tom Robinson on BBC 6 Music.

This is The Messenger, about the changing seasons, click to play…

Rich and Lou Duffy-Howard – Visit our Loudhailer Home Page

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