A Posse of Primula Auriculas

It’s baking hot in the garden today –  the sunniest day of the year, the hottest early May bank holiday on record, and the auricula flowers are beautiful. In the limelight today are Dales Red, Taffeta, Lazy River, Eden Greenfinch, Sumo, Rowena, Powder Puff, Old Gold, Helen Ruane, Clouded Yellow and the little double, Trouble.

Click on a flower to see the full bloom and scroll along…

The Auricula Suite: It all started because we are musicians with a garden full of Primula auricula flowers.

The Auricula Suite an album of songs tells a re-imagined story of a historical journey to a new land. Inspired by folk tales of the alpine flower – the Primula auricula – and its 16th century journey to England with the Huguenot refugees, it is a tale of love and loss, persecution and a new beginning.

This is a bonus track from the album, spoken word and piano song, Refugee, Sunday Morning Sketch…

Visit the home page The Auricula Suite

Auricula photographs © Richard Duffy-Howard

Rich and Lou Duffy-Howard – Visit our Loudhailer Home Page

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