The Auricula Suite Live

We’ve got some live Auricula Suite garden concerts coming up. Looking forward to Hessle West Open Gardens 2018 this Sunday 20th May where we’re playing a live acoustic performance of The Auricula Suite at 2 pm in Beacon Garth, Ivor Innes’ lovely Arts and Crafts House, garden by Tim Barnett. It’s £4 to visit about 20 gardens with proceeds to Dove House Hospice. All welcome to come and listen to the music and enjoy the beautiful gardens.


Directions to Beacon Garth

Beacon Garth
Redcliff Road
East Yorkshire
HU13 0HA.

It’s close to the Humber Bridge.  Click for more detailed directions


Visit our home page The Auricula Suite

Auricula photographs © Richard Duffy-Howard

Rich and Lou Duffy-Howard – Visit our Loudhailer Home Page

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