Flower Gallery 2018

We’ve got a few more Auricula Suite concerts this spring, and there are only a few auriculas still in bloom. So, let’s celebrate the season with a gallery of photographs of our favourite auricula flowers from our garden this year.

Click on a flower to see the full picture & cultivar name and scroll through…

The Auricula Suite: It all started because we are musicians with a garden full of Primula auricula flowers…

We wrote and recorded a set of songs dedicated to the little alpine flower, the Primula auricula,  and its history.  The Auricula Suite tells a re-imagined story of a historical journey to a new land. Inspired by folk tales of the flower’s 16th century journey to England with the Huguenot refugees, it is a tale of love and loss, persecution and a new beginning. Listen to a track from the album illustrated by some of our auriculas.

Listen to a track from the album illustrated by some of our auriculas.

Download the music from Bandcamp:

Photographs by Richard Duffy-Howard

Visit our home page The Auricula Suite

Visit our Loudhailer Website 

Rich & Lou Duffy-Howard

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