Until Next Year…

As the summer solstice is round the corner and the auricula season is over we have finished our Auricula Suite concerts for this year. Thoroughly enjoyed playing our songs amongst the flowers at Beacon Garth for the National Open Garden Scheme, Hessle Open Gardens,  Burton Agnes weekend Gardeners’ Fair, and at the Service Station cocktail bar in Hull.

One final gallery of a few of our favourite 2018 auriculas – click on a flower to see the full picture and flower name.  

Round up pictures to close the show, and Robin and Annabel of Drointon Nurseries’ photo of their lovely new cultivar of border auricula, Primula auricula Loudhailer, available for the first time this year.

Listen to or download The Auricula Suite from Bandcamp. This is In the Greenwood:

Visit our home page The Auricula Suite

See you next year – and in the meantime you can visit us on our Loudhailer Website here 

Rich & Lou Duffy-Howard

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