
Auricula Suite Concerts

Performance options range from 2 piece vocals and acoustic guitars to full band including hammer dulcimer, hurdy gurdy, violin, percussion and narrative, and with flower theatre depending on time of year.  

The Auricula Suite Album Launch at  National Trust Calke Abbey 

“The music was intricately beautiful, the songs informative and real, the performers were fascinating to watch and the whole entertainment and feel of the evening was celebratory. The interweaving of the instrument sounds and the vocals painted exciting pictures…get the CD it is a beautiful recording of the material. ” Gifford Rolfe

“What a fantastic evening the Auricula Suite concert is – beautiful people, music, and flowers. A room bursting with colour, love & enriched with mesmeric music…we all absolutely loved it!” Lynn Beaumont

“The songs are lovely, memorable and haunting.” Liz Goodwin

“Beautiful  music, lyrics, colours and auriculas!” June H

My Ancestors were French Celebration

Refugee Week

The Premiere Swanland

Enquiries for concerts – either acoustic 2 or 3 piece band, or full band contact: Loudhailer Promotions

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